Hospitalet de Llobregat City Council
L’H. A modern city
Plaza de Europa and Gran Vía de L’Hospitalet de Llobregat have undergone a spectacular change at all levels. In this large area – with the expansion of the Fira de Barcelona and the arrival of the metro – first class architectural works have been erected, buildings by renowned architects such as Jean Nouvel, Rafael Moneo, Oscar Tusquets or Toyo Ito among others, the Gran Vía 2 shopping center, corporate buildings to house the companies KPMG, Copisa, Puig, GB Foods, several hotels, etc.
This entire operation has been led by the City Council of L’Hospitalet, which has managed to modernize and activate this new area, ordering it and increasing its value, obtaining a well-deserved and recognized prestige.

With the development of this new area called “Granvía L’H”, new squares and streets appeared that needed to be identified, new buildings that became anonymous destinations and therefore had to be signposted for their correct location.
We were commissioned by the City Council to design a signage element that would cover all these needs: Granvía L’H logo, building address, street and number, City Hall logo, all with a careful design and a chromatic solution attractive enough to stand out from these large architectural masses and with the last premise that they should withstand, with a certain dignity, acts of vandalism.
The passage of time has shown that the solution adopted was the right one.