As Cancelas Shopping Center
- Santiago de Compostela, España.
The road to Santiago
As Cancelas is a shopping center located in the Community of Galicia, owned by Carrefour Property and Realia. These two companies have joined forces to build this enormous space of more than 50,000 m2 in Santiago de Compostela. The architecture is the work of the multinational Chapman & Taylor, a company specializing in retail. The impressive rounded facade is only open to the outside by a huge veranda, which is strategically embedded to take advantage of the fantastic sunsets.
The graphic design of its corporate brand evokes the Camino de Santiago; the tiles seen in perspective, with their variety of shapes and disparity of colors, are arranged in a way that reminds us of the plurality and diversity of the people who have been walking this historic route every day -and for centuries-.

Signes has developed the signage project for the center, applying the brand image on the facade and interiors, solving graphically and industrially the whole family of signs in the exterior, interior, parking, emergency and evacuation. The set of pieces consists of totems, banners, interactive directories, directional, positional, pictograms, decoration of interior facades, store fronts, etcetera. All these pieces are necessary to obtain a functional, modern and optimal signage of the center.
As Cancelas opened in October 2012 with almost 100% store occupancy and immediate success with the buying public. As Cancelas is today a commercial reference in the Galician Community.