Art Barcelona
- Barcelona España
The art circuit in Barcelona
Circuit d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona is a network of galleries, museums, galleries and contemporary art centers that with the collaboration of the Barcelona City Council and the Department of Culture of the Generalitat have created a circuit that brings art closer to the citizen. The more than forty-five points that make up the circuit have been identified with two color codes that represent: pink for galleries and blue for a foundation or art center.
The design of the support, both graphic and industrial, is the work of Taula de Disseny. This urban element has materialized in the form of a metal pole topped by a tablet, a capsule in which the color code appears. The mast allows citizens to obtain information about the programming of the spaces and connect through their Smartphone via QR code to all the information of the Barcelona Contactless platform.

The realization of this piece was an important challenge for our company in the industrial aspect. This piece is located in the middle of the city, anchored and cemented in the pavement but with a very special “attraction” for sign collectors. The capsules crowning the mast, despite being built vandal-proof, reinforced and welded inside, have been the object of desire on more than one occasion, being ripped off and smashed. This situation of constant exposure to vandalism has been addressed by redesigning the mast crown with a new industrial solution that solves the problem.