ED Awards
European Design Awards to Andreu Balius for the DSignes typeface, designed for Signes.
Letra Award
National awards for visual communication and environment graphics) in the Miscellaneous category to Andreu Balius for the DSignes typeface, designed for Signes.
Laus Selection
To the book “25,000 km de Signes” in the categories of Complete Book and Best Use of Illustration.
Visual Book Design Award
Book “25.000 km de Signes” in the Institutional / Company category, and diploma in the Book Design category.
National Design Award
“A company that, thanks to its commitment to design, is a leader in the signage of public spaces. Its policy of incorporating high added value to the product allows it to work on important projects and to enter international markets. From the Signes Foundation it develops a constant pedagogical work and support to young people”.
FAD Medal
Fomento de las Artes y del Diseño to Lluís Morón and Carmen Revilla for their work at the Signes Foundation.
Prince Felipe Award for Business Excellence in the Design Category
“For their significant creative contribution and the quality of the products and services offered in their long and unique trajectory; because they have turned their company into a fundamental tool for the efficient evolution of graphic design in the market and for their permanent, generous and courageous support to the new generations of designers.”
Special Letra Award for Signes’s trajectory
Prince Felipe Awards for Business Excellence in Design (8th edition)
Special mention “for the exemplary uniqueness of its business orientation, which highlights the conceptual value of design in an area of such social impact as environmental signage, linking graphic design and industrial design with architecture and interior design, and for its effective, generous and intelligent support to young designers”.
IDQ Award (Image, Design and Quality) of the Colegio Oficial de Diseñadores de Interiores y Decoradores de Catalunya (Official College of Interior Designers and Decorators of Catalonia).
Finalist in the Research section.
J Award, “Joves en Positiu” (Youth in Positive), from the Barcelona City Council for artistic creation.
For the Signes Award, “in recognition of Signes’ contribution to the promotion of artistic creation among young people”.
Letra Award for the best directory system
For the INFECAR (Institución Ferial de Canarias) signage.
Laus Nomination
For the new Signes Corporate Identity (Design: Morillas Brand Design)
Laus Nomination
For the image of the Signes Award for Design Students (Design: Lluís Morillas)
Laus Generalitat Trophy for small and medium-sized companies
“For assuming design as a strategy that goes beyond the field of graphics, visual communication and advertising, coherently covering practically all the media of business activity.”
Laus Bronze Trophy
For the Corporate Catalog (Design: Morillas Brand Design)