Rovira i Virgili University

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  • Interior Signage

A Campus of International Excellence

The University Campus of Sescelades of the URV (Rovira i Virgili University), located in Tarragona with more than 72,000 m2 and 18 buildings with different faculties, research centers and institutes, technology and innovation centers, is a modern public institution of higher education with a solid teaching and research trajectory, recognized worldwide. With a broad territorial vision and a will of international projection. In 2011, it was committed to change and the exterior expansion of the entire campus.

At the time of the awarding of the Campus signage through public tender, the graphic designer Jaume Bach contacted us to review the project, review locations and to collaborate in the industrial part of the signage.

The materials used were designed to achieve maximum durability outdoors and to provide the best guarantee against possible acts of vandalism. It was proposed a composite panel for the front of the rails to achieve a correct planimetry and the minimum number of joints. The fish were protected with ultraviolet varnish for a better durability and to preserve the signage from the sun and graffiti.

Positional totems were manufactured to identify the 18 main buildings, followed by smaller directional totems, to address and locate the multiple destinations. The project will be complemented with location plans to determine the position in any part of the Campus.

A singular element to emphasize is the main identifying totem of the University, of oval form and 12 meters high.
